The Loadlin+Win95/98/ME mini-HOWTO

1. Introduction

This document describes a simple three step procedure for using Loadlin to dual boot between Linux and Windows 95/98/ME. If you prefer to use the LILO boot manager, please consult the Linux+Win95 Mini-HOWTO.

This version of this mini-HOWTO has been completely rewritten with major differences from the previous version (1.4.6). The following highlight the major differences:

  • Name change. The Loadlin+Win95/98/ME mini-HOWTO was formerly known as "The Loadlin+Win95 mini-HOWTO. The change was made to more accurately reflect the topic covered herein.
  • The focus has changed from Win95 to Win98, and as a result this mini-HOWTO is simpler and easier to follow. Microsoft made some changes in the way Windows boots in Win98, which has made most of the dual boot methods for Win95 incompatable with Win98. If you still wish to see the Win95 specific mini-HOWTO you can view it here.
  • Change in copyright status from version 1.4.6

1.1 Copyright

Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Protek Computer Solutions. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with with the Invariant Sections being only "The Loadlin+Win95/98/ME mini-HOWTO".

1.2 New Versions Of This Document

This mini-HOWTO is posted first at The Linux+Windows 95 Reference Page, so check there to make sure you have the most recent revision of this mini-HOWTO.

1.3 Feedback

Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome. I am always looking for ways to improve and expand this mini-HOWTO. I rely heavily on feedback to make improvements, and will do my best to be prompt with a helpful response. I can be reached at

1.4 Disclaimer

Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information presented in this mini-HOWTO is safe and accurate. However, this information is given without any warranty, either expressed or implied, as to its suitability for a particular use. It is generally considered a GoodThing(TM) to make backups of your system files before changing system configurations and/or files. I suggest you take this precaution "just in case".

2. About Loadlin

2.1 What is Loadlin?

Loadlin is a simple DOS based utility that loads the Linux kernel into memory from DOS. Loadlin was written by Hans Lermen. See the Loadlin-1.6 User's Guide for further details about Loadlin's features and how to use Loadlin.

3. IMPORTANT: Preliminary Information and Setup

3.1 Windows ME Users

Before your read any further, I should mention that this mini-howto has some limitations with Windows ME. Based on feedback from Windows ME users, the menuing system described in the next section will only work from a Windows boot floppy instead of from the hard drive. Thanks to Olivier Guichard for pointing me to the relevant Microsoft article.

Note that only the config.sys and autoexec.bat files need to be on the floppy disk. All other files mentioned may reside on the hard drive.

If booting from a floppy is not an option for you, then please see the FAQ section for alternatives to LILO and Loadlin.

Any Windows ME users who can find a better way than using a floppy, please let me know your solution so I can include it in this mini-howto.

3.2 Things that are assumed:

  • You have successfully installed Windows 95/98/ME.
  • Windows 95/98/ME is installed on Drive C.
  • You have successfully installed Linux.
  • You know what partition Linux is installed on.
  • LILO is NOT installed on your hard drive.

3.3 Items you need before you start:

  • The Loadlin.exe program file
  • Your kernel image file, usually bzImage or vmlinuz. (See the FAQ for info).

4. Getting started:

4.1 Step One:

Edit (or create) config.sys on the root of Drive C. The contents should be similar to the following:

menuitem=Linux, Mandrake Linux 7.2
menuitem=Win98, Windows 98
menudefault=Win98, 10



If your system already has a config.sys file, put those contents under the [win98] section. The [linux] section is left blank intentionally.

4.2 Step Two:

Edit (or create) autoexec.bat on the root of Drive C. The contents should be similar to the following:

goto %config%

call c:\linux.bat


As above, if you aready have an autoexec.bat file, put those contents under the :win98 section.

4.3 Step Three:

Create a file called: linux.bat. Putting it in the root of Drive C is as good as place as any (but it can go anywhere so long as you reference the path or location). The contents should be similar to the following:

@echo off
c:\loadlin c:\vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 ro

The above example assumes that loadlin.exe and vmlinuz are located in the root of Drive C (or C:\) and that linux is installed on the /dev/hda3 partition. Your configuration may be different.

The important thing here is to make sure that loadlin and your linux kernel file are properly referenced. Finished!

That should work for you, as that is how I have things set up on my system, which dual boots with Win98.

5. Frequently Asked Questions:

5.1 Where can I find more information on using Loadlin?

  • Loadlin can be found on your favorite distibution's installation CD. Just do a search for 'loadlin'.

  • The Loadlin-1.6 User's Guide is available for download at:


  • Additional information is available at:

5.2 I am not sure what partition Linux is installed on. How do I find out?

  • At a Linux shell prompt, run the df utility. If you see a line with /boot, then it will be quite obvious. If you do not see a line with /boot, then look on the line with a single "/".

5.3 Where do I find the kernel image file and how do I copy it to my MS-DOS partition?

  • The kernel image file is usually called vmlinuz and should be located in the '/boot' directory. Often vmlinuz is a symbolic link to the actual kernel. If all else fails type:

            find / -name vmlinuz*

    at a Linux shell prompt. This will search all Linux partitions for the vmlinuz file. If you have multiple vmlinuz files, then make sure you use the correct one. If you are not sure, then the safest bet would be to use the most recent one.

    To copy your linux kernel file to your DOS partition, you need to make your DOS partition visible to Linux, then mount the partition if it is not already. Generally, this should have been set up when you installed Linux. All you need to do next is change to the directory the vmlinuz file is in and copy it over to DOS using the cp command.

    However, if Linux was not set up to recognize your DOS partition, then copy vmlinuz to a floppy. Take any DOS formatted floppy (with enough disk space to hold your kernel image file) and insert it into your floppy drive. Type:

            mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

    at a Linux shell prompt. Then change to the directory your kernel image file is in and type:

            cp vmlinuz /mnt/floppy

    This will copy vmlinuz to your floppy disk and it will be readable by DOS. Shutdown Linux, boot to DOS, then copy vmlinuz to whichever directory you choose. If you recompile your kernel, do not forget to copy the new kernel image file to your DOS partition. This will overwrite your old file, so it might be a good idea to rename the old file first just in case the new one does not work properly.

    Alternatively, if you have the mtools utilities you could type:

    mcopy vmlinuz a:

5.4 Does it matter if I install Linux or Windows 95/98/ME first?

  • Technically no. However, it would be much simpler to install Windows first. That way it is easier to setup Linux to recognize your DOS partition(s) as you can usually do this during the Linux installation.

5.5 I currently have LILO installed, but I want to use Loadlin instead. How do I remove LILO?

  • You will need to restore the Win95 MBR (Master Boot Record) that LILO overwrote when you installed LILO. At a DOS prompt type:

        fdisk /mbr

5.6 What if I already dual boot between Windows 95 and Windows 3.x, and I want to boot to Linux using this method?

  • Frankly, if you want to do this I would recommend using LILO. However, if you really do not want to use LILO, you will have to boot to Win 3.x first, then issue the Loadlin command. (Make sure Windows 3.x is NOT running, but that you are in DOS 5.0 or 6.x).

5.7 Is it possible to initiate Linux from the Windows 95/98/ME desktop?

  • Yes. First, create a batch file called "linux.bat", for example. Edit the file to contain a Loadlin command such as:

        loadlin f:\vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc2 ro

Now save the file on your Windows desktop. Next, right click on the Linux.bat icon, then left click on Properties. Now click on the Program tab, then click on the Advanced button. Click on the box next to "MS-DOS mode" and make sure the box next to "Warn before entering MS-DOS mode is checked". Click OK, then click on OK again. Now when you double click on the Linux icon, a warning box will appear before going into MS-DOS mode. If you click on "Yes" then Windows enters MS-DOS mode and executes the Linux.bat file.

NOTE: You must be in MS-DOS mode in order to use Loadlin. Please see the manual.txt file mentioned in Section 4.1 of this FAQ for more information.

5.8 Where can I get a plain text version of this document?

5.9 Is Loadlin the only alternative to LILO?

6. Internationalization

Jurus Kenalan di Friendster

Nyelekit #1
hmhmhm.. Tampangnya ok juga. Tidak begitu cantik dan tidak begitu jelek pantas untuk jadi teman saya. Ini email saya xxxx@xxxxx.xxxx

Nyelekit #2
Walah, foto hancur begitu..kok PD sekali pasang di friendster? Apa nggak ada foto lain? Kalau kamu mau saya add jadi temanku, tolong fotonya diganti dulu.

Nyelekit #3
Walah, kamu cantik tapi juga gendut sekali? Tolong jangan add aku ya!

Nyelekit #4
Kamu cantik tapi masih single, pasti kamu lesbi ya. Kalau nggak lesbi pasti bohong. Kalau kamu marah atau tersinggung, jangan lewat email, kita ketemuan aja. Kalau nggak berani ketemuan, memang benar pasti kamu lesbi

PD #1
Kamu cantik tapi sayang sudah bercowok. Sayang sekali cowok kamu jelek, item, miskin, tolol.
Sebaiknya saran saya, jangan pernah jadian dulu kalau belum ketemu saya. Ini saya kasih kesempatan, nomor hp saya : 081-xxxx-x-xxxx.

PD #2
Aduh cantiknya, kenalan dong. Kebetulan nih tampangku keren, pasti banyak yang kira kita pacaran, kalau aku lagi jalan sama kamu. Aku add kamu ya

Hai, boleh kenalan nggak? Add aku ya di xxxx@xxxx.xxxx

Iseng #1
Boleh minta no hp dong, alamat rumah, telp rumah, alamat kantor, telp kantor bales ya!

Iseng #2
Tampang kamu mirip pacar saya! Jangan-jangan kamu kembarannya ya?

Iseng #3
Kamu mirip teman saya deh, atau jangan2 kamu memang pernah jadi teman saya, atau mungkin kita pernah ketemu kali ya di suatu tempat? Kamu merasa kenal aku nggak sebelumnya?

Hopeless #1
Please dong, jadi temanku. Aku tahu kamu cantik, aku jelek. Tapi mau kan jadi temanku..siapa tahu kita bisa jadian. Temanku di friendster baru 2 orang lho. Sudah 6 bulan minta add ke banyak cewek, tapi ditolak terus. Mudah-mudahan kamu mau, soalnya kamukan baik, aku percaya kok kamu pada dasarnya baik, hati kamu pasti seputih kulit kamu.

Hopeless #2
Hai sayang, aku sudah bosan hidup nih. Tolong dong, jangan buat aku bunuh diri. aku lagi pegang pisau nih, siap2 mau bunuh diri. Kalau kamu nggak mau add jadi temanku, kamu besok baca koran poskota dan lampu merah ya. Pasti nama kamu disebut2 disitu. Aku kasih waktu 1 x

Tajir, Mupeng dan PD Sekali
Kamu cantik dan sexy sekali, malam minggu besok jalan sama aku ya ini nomor hpku: 081-xxxxx-xxxxx. Aku biasa bawa mobil mercedes benz serie 7, tapi kalau lagi males aku bawa jaguar aja. Kalau kamu ingin yang biasa-biasa aja, aku juga baru beli Vios kok. Oya apartementku di sudirman lagi kosong lho, nanti kita bermalam minggu disana semalaman nggak apa-apa kan? mudah-mudahan cowok kamu nggak keberatan. Kalau cowok kamu keberatan, aku punya pembantu wanita yang masih single, nanti suruh cowok kamu bermalam di kamar pembantuku aja ya.

Malu-malu Mau
Hai….boleh kenalan nggak?

Agresif Ngeselin
Hai, kenapa sih nggak mau kenalan sama aku. Aku sudah kirim message 45 kali kok, dicuekin terus sih? Memang kamu siapa? Memang saya siapa ? Gue tahu elo cantik dan sexy, tapi bukan berarti bla blab lab labla blabla blablablabla

Sok Akrab #1
Hai kamu temannya si anu ya, aku tahu kamu dari si anu. Bagaimana khabar kamu? Bapak-ibu gimana ? Adik-kakak gimana? Sehat-sehat saja kan? Udah lulus atau udah kerja? Aku boleh add kamu ya?

Sok Akrab #2 + Nyelekit
Ya ampun, kamu masih inget saya? Aku kan dulu teman SD/SMP/SMA kamu. Kamu kan dulu pernah nembak saya. Maaf dulu kamu saya tolak, soalnya kamu tuh dulu jelek banget, sekarang kok jadi cantik begini? Operasi plastik di mana ya? Jangan lupa add aku ya, kalau kamu masih penasaran sama aku , nggak apa-apa kok kalau mau nembak aku lagi. Pasti aku terima dengan senang hati

Sok Akrab #3 + Ngegombal
Hai, denger-denger kamu habis putus ya dari si ‘anu’. Kamu pasti sedih sekali ya, bagaimana kalau saya datang ke rumah kamu untuk menghibur hati kamu yang luka? Aku tidak habis pikir bagaimana mungkin ada orang secantik kamu ini ada yang tega melukai hati kamu yang bening seindah kristal ini, pasti sangat menyakitkan buat orang secantik kamu. Ini nomor hpku:

Gila #1
Kalau kamu sedang kesepian, mungkin saya adalah orang yang tepat untuk dijadikan pacar. Kalau kamu sedang punya pacar, mungkin pacar kamu tidak ada apa-apanya dibandingkan saya. Kalau kamu sedang merencanakan perkawinan, batalkan saja, nikahlah denganku saja. Kalau kamu sudah kawin, tolong ceraikan suami kamu, kamu ditanggung tidak akan menyesal mendapatkan aku

Gila #2
Hai, kamu tolong lihat foto2 saya di friendster ya. Kalau kamu ingin lihat saya dalam keadaan polos/bugil, aku akan kirimkan fotonya dengan syarat kamu kasih saya nomor hp kamu.

Ngegombal #1
Aku tidak percaya dari 5 milyard penduduk dunia, ternyata ada satu makhluk termanis yang tidak pernah saya lihat sebelumnya. Makhluk itu adalah kamu. Kamu memang diciptakan khusus untukku. Terima kasih Tuhan telah mempertemukan belahan jiwaku lewat
Sayang, will you marry me ?

Ngegombal #2
Oh My God, Finally I have found someone, and it was you! Give me your phone number soon, and i will pick you up as soon as possible and we will look for ‘pendeta/penghulu’ right now to bless our marriage. Do you agree with that?

Kurang Ajar #1
Hai. One Night Stand yuk! Nanti kamu boleh add aku deh jadi temanku

Kurang Ajar #2
Hai. Tarif kamu semalam berapa ?

Kurang Ajar #3 + Sok Akrab
Hai, kayanya kita pernah kenal deh. Kamu kan selingkuhannya si ‘X’
teman saya yang istrinya 2.

Tolol #1
Hai, aku baru join di friendster, bisa tolong ajarin aku nggak caranya makai friendster? Tolong datang ya ke rumahku atau kantorku. Ini alamatnya balblablblblablablablaba

Tolol #2
Hai, boleh tanya nggak ya. Sekarang jam berapa ya? Maaf jam saya mati.

Tolol #3
Hai, boleh tanya nggak. Kalau dari Blok M mau ke Bandung, naik bus nomor berapa ya?

Tolol #4
Hai, boleh tahu password kamu nggak? Aku lupa password aku, mungkin saja passwordku sama dengan password kamu

sumber >>> klik disini

Membasmi Virus Kangen
Ni Ketut Susrini - detikInet
Ilustrasi (diolah)
Jakarta, 'Kangen' adalah virus lokal yang menyebarkan diri melalui disket atau USB drive. Seperti halnya virus kebanyakan, soal cinta jadi tema virus yang sudah mencapai varian kesembilan ini. Ingin membasminya? Berikut langkah-langkahnya.

Seperti disampaikan Alfons Tanujaya, spesialis anti virus dari PT. Vaksincom, pihaknya sudah banyak menerima laporan mengenai aktifitas virus ini. Virus ini memang sering kali lolos jaring software antivirus, mengingat penyebarannya yang masih di lingkup komputer di dalam negeri saja.

Pada generasinya yang kesembilan, Kangen.I, virus ini sudah mulai usil dengan mengganti nama file. Korban dibikin bingung karena mengira file simpanannya hilang, padahal cuma diganti nama.

Virus yang dibuat dengan Visual Basic ini, berukuran 48 kb dan mengincar dua Windows terbaru. Komputer yang terinfeksi Kangen.I akan memiliki file bernama 'untukmu.exe'. File itu tak lain adalah virus itu sendiri yang mengkopikan dirinya dengan nama tersebut. Tentunya pengguna tidak akan mencurigai file itu sebagai virus karena ikonnya sudah di rekayasa dengan ikon MSWord.

Menghilangkan Kangen

Jika antivirus belum dapat mengenali virus ini, Vaksincom menginformasikan langkah pembersihannya, yaitu sebagai berikut:

1. Matikan proses file tskmgr.exe

Bagi Anda yang menggunakan Windows XP/Server 2003 dapat menggunakan perintah "taskkill" untuk mematikan proses tersebut.

Untuk mematikan proses dengan perintah taskkill, dilakukan dengan cara mengetik [taskkill /f /im tskmgr.exe] pada layar command prompt, dan tekan enter.

Atau dapat digunakan tools freeware seperti Pocket killbox (khusunya untuk windows diluar XP/2003 server). Tools ini dapat di download di alamat:

2. Hapus file yang dibuat oleh virus

Sejumlah file yang dibuat oleh virus Kangen adalah Tskmgr.exe pada direktori C:\windows\fonts, Rundll32.exe pada direktori C:\windows, Syslove.exe pada direktori C:\windows\system32, dan pada direktori C:\Documents and settings\, untukmu.exe pada direktori C:
3. Hapus semua registry key yang dibuat oleh virus

Pada komputer yang terkena virus, hapus registry key 'local Service', 'Security' pada HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

4. Hapus option pada msconfig pada menu [startup], yaitu Witta I Love You dan Tskmgr.

5. Tampilkan kembali file MS. WORD yang telah disembunyikan. Pada layar command prompt, ketikan perintah "Attrib -s -h c:\*.doc /s" (tanpa tanda kutip)

Vaksincom berpesan, jika drive anda lebih dari satu (contoh drive D:\ atau E:\), gunakan perintah di atas untuk menampilkan file yang disembunyikan dengan mengganti lokasi drive, contoh "attrib -s -h d:\*.doc /s".

Jika terdapat nama file yang sama tetapi dengan ekstensi yang berbeda (file tersebut ada dalam satu folder) dengan salah satu file berukuran 48 kb, sebaiknya hapus file tersebut secara manual. Jangan sampai salah hapus, yang dihapus adalah file yang mempunyai ikon MS WORD dengan ekstensi .doc.exe dengan ukuran file 48 kb.

Salah satu varian Kangen yang cukup menarik perhatian pengguna komputer di Indonesia adalah virus Tabaru yang juga dikenal sebagai virus Riyani Jangkaru, presenter salah satu stasiun TV swasta. (nks)

sumber klik disini..

Free Unix Tools (ssh, bash, etc) under Windows bermain bash command di windows.

awalnya seeh mo coba install squid di windows, pas googling ketemu deh ama tools ini.
semoga bermanfaat..

The Cygwin tools are ports of the popular GNU development tools for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000. They run thanks to the Cygwin library which provides the UNIX system calls and environment these programs expect. For example you find the popular Commandline Secure Shell Tools (SSH) to create a secure terminal emulation from Windows to Unix systems.

The following packages are available with the current release:

ash autoconf automake bash binutils bison byacc bzip2 clear cpio crypt cvs cygrunsrv cygwin dejagnu diff expect file fileutils findutils flex gawk gcc gdb gdbm gettext ghostscript gperf grep groff gzip inetutils irc jbigkit jpeg less libpng login lynx m4 make man mingw mt mutt ncftp ncurses newlib-man opengl openssh openssl patch pcre perl popt postgresql python readline regex rxvt sed sh-utils squid ssmtp tar tcltk tcsh termcap tetex-beta texinfo textutils tiff time unzip vim w32api wget which xpm xpm-nox zip zlib


  • Run "setup.exe" from your download directory.

    This will then download the list of available packages, and offer to install them for you. There are a number of options within setup to control installation details.

  • Choose "Download from Internet to Current Directory" from the setup Program

    The selected packages are now downloaded to your local drive.

  • Choose "Install from Current Directory" from the setup Program

    When installing, you will have to specify:

    - Install root directory (e.g. D:\cygwin)
    - Default Text File Type ("DOS" or "Unix")
    - Install For ("All" or "Just Me")

Configuration Tips

  • Make sure you have set the HOME environment variable (e.g. C:\Home\Zahn)

  • Check and add your mounts with


    D:\Cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
    D:\Cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
    D:\Cygwin on / type system (binmode)
    c: on /cygdrive/c type user (binmode,noumount)
    d: on /cygdrive/d type user (binmode,noumount)
    e: on /cygdrive/e type user (binmode,noumount)

    If you need additional mount points create the directories and mount them e.g.

    mount c:/uxhome /home/zahn

  • Check the automatically created mount points

    The setup program will setup the needed mount points automatically. You can find them in the Windows registry under

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus\Cygwin\mounts v2
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus\Cygwin\mounts v2

  • How to use Device Files for tar ?

    There is no need to create a POSIX /dev directory as it is simulated within Cygwin automatically. It supports the following devices: /dev/null, /dev/zero, /dev/tty, /dev/ttyX, /dev/ptmx, /dev/comX (the serial ports), /dev/windows (the windows message queue), /dev/random and /dev/urandom. These devices cannot be seen with the command ls /dev although commands such as ls /dev/tty work fine.

    The Win32 device name for a partition is the drive letter with leading \\.\, so the floppy would be \\.\A:, the first partition typically \\.\C:. Complete drives (except floppies and CD-ROMS which are supported as partitions only) are named \\.\PHYSICALDRIVEx. The x is the drive number which you can check in the disk manager. Each drive line has prepended the text "Disk x".

    To access tape drives the Win32 file name \\.\TAPEx is used. For example the first installed tape device is named \\.\tape0.

    The naming convention is simple: The name of the POSIX device has to begin with /dev/ and the rest is as you like. The only exception are tape devices. To identify if the tape device is used as a rewind or a no-rewind device the name must not begin with n (rewind) or has to begin with n (no-rewind).

    Some examples:

    mount -b //./A: /dev/fd0 # mount floppy as raw block special
    mount -b //./tape0 /dev/st0 # mount 1. tape as rewind device
    mount -b //./tape0 /dev/nst0 # ...and as the no-rewind device

    Note the usage of the -b option. It is best to include the -b option when mounting these devices to ensure that all file I/O is in "binary mode". Enter -s option to add mount point to system-wide registry location.

    Now you can use tar as follows:

    tar xvf /dev/st0

  • Create and copy .bashrc to $HOME

    The BASH shell can be configured with the configuration file $HOME/.bashrc (e.g)

    # Aliases
    alias more=less
    alias up='cd ..'
    alias ll='ls -la'
    alias ls='ls -F'
    alias ps='ps -Wl'

  • alias home='cd $HOME'
    alias which='type -path'
    alias unix2dos='recode lat1:ibmpc'
    alias dos2unix='recode ibmpc:lat1'
    alias h='history'

    # Make Bash 8bit clean
    set meta-flag on
    set convert-meta off
    set output-meta on
    set completion-ignore-case on

    # Set Prompt
    PS1="`tput smso``whoami`@\h>`tput rmso` "
    export PS1
    PS2="> "
    export PS2

  • Start BASH and enjoy the Unix Tools like SSH, SCP etc.


  • We suggest to set the TERM variable for programs (e.g. vi) which use a correct terminal emulation to the following values:

    Linux: TERM=linux; export TERM
    Sun: TERM=ansi; export TERM
The following screenshots shows a secure terminal emulation (SSH) from Windows to Unix using Cygwin's bash shell. The bash shell, like many other Unix utilities is ported to Windows.

As an Huju's assistant in A & DND PT. AMC BINTAN 19 November 2005
ternyata asyik juga jadi kameraman, bebas mo ambil posisi dimanapun, ga ada yang ngelarang, walaupun harus menahan perasaan...ya mau gimana lagi.....orang tersayang lagi di gandeng ama temen ndiri didepan mata....hix...hix..., but btw no problem friend... i thrust you...
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